
During the Spanish Post-War Period


Cristina González Cotán
Miriam E. Renedo González
Fernando J. Val Cano

December 5, 2012

Topics for the Interview

Nowadays and manly in the last 10 years, there has been a lot of immigration. As this article explains, we must remember that 50 years ago a lot of Spanish people emigrated to other countries:

We are going to interview Cristina´s grandparents, and because this is going to be the main source of information for our oral history project, it´s important to go in depth. For that, we have chosen the following topics to ask/ talk about with them:
·         Situation in Spain at that moment: economic, social, work…

This way, we will be able to understand better the society in which they lived and the reasons why they decided to emigrate.

Here are explained the internal and external factors:

Also, in these webpages there are some explanations and graphics about the numbers of people emigrating:

·    Travelling expectations. What did they expect to find there that was better than in Spain?

·  Situation when they arrived in Brussels: society, work… Where their expectations correct or not? What was as they thought and what not?
·       Did they feel comfortable with the new culture, people…?
·       Difficulties with the language.
These two questions are related with the feelings that every person would experience when arriving to a different places with different customs. This is important because it has an influence in how they see their country and if there are going to stay in Brussels or return to Spain.

·     Differences because of the change of country and the consequences that it had: short, medium and long term.
In the following webpage we can see the consequences that this emigration had to Spain and Spanish people:
·      Did they go with their work contracts in order or just the passport? Because at this moment there were agreements between countries about emigration/ immigration. However, many people emigrate out of these agreements, as this webpage explains:
·        Returning:
- At holidays. How did they see their country after living in Brussels?
- To live again in Spain. Why?