
During the Spanish Post-War Period


Cristina González Cotán
Miriam E. Renedo González
Fernando J. Val Cano

December 5, 2012

Topics for the Interview

Nowadays and manly in the last 10 years, there has been a lot of immigration. As this article explains, we must remember that 50 years ago a lot of Spanish people emigrated to other countries:

We are going to interview Cristina´s grandparents, and because this is going to be the main source of information for our oral history project, it´s important to go in depth. For that, we have chosen the following topics to ask/ talk about with them:
·         Situation in Spain at that moment: economic, social, work…

This way, we will be able to understand better the society in which they lived and the reasons why they decided to emigrate.

Here are explained the internal and external factors:

Also, in these webpages there are some explanations and graphics about the numbers of people emigrating:

·    Travelling expectations. What did they expect to find there that was better than in Spain?

·  Situation when they arrived in Brussels: society, work… Where their expectations correct or not? What was as they thought and what not?
·       Did they feel comfortable with the new culture, people…?
·       Difficulties with the language.
These two questions are related with the feelings that every person would experience when arriving to a different places with different customs. This is important because it has an influence in how they see their country and if there are going to stay in Brussels or return to Spain.

·     Differences because of the change of country and the consequences that it had: short, medium and long term.
In the following webpage we can see the consequences that this emigration had to Spain and Spanish people:
·      Did they go with their work contracts in order or just the passport? Because at this moment there were agreements between countries about emigration/ immigration. However, many people emigrate out of these agreements, as this webpage explains:
·        Returning:
- At holidays. How did they see their country after living in Brussels?
- To live again in Spain. Why?

November 23, 2012

Oral History - Entry 2

Some basic definitions:

   Immigration: To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.

   Emigration: To leave one country or region to settle in another. We are going to use this word in reference to the Spanish citizens who joined other countries.

   Francoist (Franco Regime), the period between 1939 and 1975, when Spain was under the authoritarian dictatorship of Francisco Franco

Period and Background:

   We will delve into the1960s and 1970s. These years are within the Francoist period, so we must take into account the consequences it involves: the isolation from the rest of the world influences society, the Spanish economy changes, the Regime ideas for solving it, etc.

   First of all, as a consequence of this isolation and the previous war, there was an increment of the poverty. The destruction of part of the industrial sector because of the war, and the failure for developing it due to the isolation caused a decrease in the number of possible works. Simultaneously, imported machinery reduced jobs, especially in the primary sector. These facts produced than so much people become unemployment, so they had to look for other ways of having incomes.

   Society was also changing: from 1955 Spain started to emerge from isolation, so there was a real possibility moving to other European countries to improve life chances.

   Other countries’ population was growing old, so they needed cheap labor and Spain, due to the conditions, was a great place for looking for it.

   The regime pacted with other countries in order to give people the chance to work there, provided that they came back. This way, Spain would get incomes from other countries, would import their technology easier, and would be sustainable.

   There is a webpage which explain (in Spanish) in a really good way some of the causes, consequences, opinions and the different destinies of the international Spanish emigration. If you want to find some more information, we recommend you to analyze it.

November 6, 2012

Emigration To Belgium In The 1960s And 1970s

Oral History Project

The topic chosen is Emigration to Belgium. This topic can be interesting because we can find out why people decided to go to other countries to live and work, how they manage with their new situations and why they decided coming back to Spain after a period of time or to stay at the new country.
The period of time in which we'll focus is during the 1960s and 1970s. During those years a considerable amount of people left the country looking for more life chances. 

Our primary sources for this project are Felisa Torres and Manuel Cotán, Cristina's grandparents. They where born in Olivares in 1943 and Bellavista in 1939, two towns in Seville. We have chosen them because during the Post War period in Spain they decided to emigrate from Seville, where they lived, to Brussels, in Belgium. The main reason for which Felisa and Manuel decided to leave Spain was because they wanted to improve their lives chances.  
They are qualified narrators because they can talk about their experiences before emigrating, when taking the decision of going out of the country, during the emigration to another country and their feelings during the period they lived outside of their origin country far away from their families.
First group of Spanish workers leaving to Belgium in 1957.